通用英语四(张曼 2019-2020-2)答案-中国大学慕课


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    通用英语四(张曼 2019-2020-2)答案-中国大学慕课


    unit 2

    unit 2

    1、fill in the blanks



    compositon: special days

    1、composition: Suppose your foreign friend are worried about you after seeing the news on the internet about the novel coronovirous , write a letter to him/her to Introduce your recent life condition , the local goverment's action towards to novel coronovious pneumonia to your foreign friend ,and express your feelings recent days. please write the letter in a proper organization and no less than 120 words, no less than 120 words, no less than 120 words.


    1、Translate the following passage from Chinese to English 自从1978年12月改革开放以来中国经历了巨大变革。2008年中国首次成功主办奥运会,创造了历史,更是大大提升了全国人民的民族自豪感。现代化的进程对很多人的日常生活的改变起了重要作用。我所在的街坊就是一个明显的例子。我还记得过去买点日常用品要过好几条街巷,现在城里哪儿都有杂货店和便利店,而且物品丰富。以前我们多数人住在没有卫生间的旧房子里。而今,许许多多家庭搬进新的现代化的公寓楼。有好多这样的事可说,这里我只是提及一二罢了。

    unit 3

    English resume

    1、Suppose you are a graduate student this year, Make an English resume of yourself , you can take the English resume in the QQ group files as an example


    1、雇主在招聘时会在求职者身上找寻一些特质。第一是领导能力。最高效的公司要招有发展前途的人,而不是缺少进取精神(the spirit of enterprise)的人。他们希望每个人都有进步的空间,并且最终能组建自己的常胜之队。第二是抱负。有抱负的员工多数时候接受挑战,并且能克服困难。为了更好的解决方案,他们拼命工作,从而使公司更具竞争力。第三是创造力。最成功的公司因为创新和对现状的持续改进而蓬勃发展。这些公司寻找的人不仅能自主工作,还能想出新办法完成老任务。最后是激情,尽管所有雇员都在乎薪水,最受雇主欢迎的却是那些热爱工作如 同热爱报酬的员工。


    composition : special days

    1、Suppose your foreign friend are worried about you after seeing the news on the internet about the novel coronovirous , write a letter to him/her to Introduce your recent life condition , the local goverment's action towards to novel coronovious pneumonia to your foreign friend ,and express your feelings recent days. please write the letter in a proper organization and no less than 120 words, no less than 120 words, no less than 120 words.

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