




    第一章 体育在社会中的重要性


    1、请阅读第四讲 “Concerns for Excellence" 并填写下列题目 In part one, the main question discussed in this part is__________________________

    2、What answers does the author provide for this question?

    3、In part two, the main question discussed in this part is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4、What examples does the author contribute to this discussion?


    1、In first part, what is the main question discussed ?
        A、Why men in all walks and at all ages interest themselves with sports
        B、Why do comparatively few men vigorously devote themselves to sports?
        C、Why is it that certain widely dispersed and evidently attractive pursuits have not been extensively studied by the great, or even by the near-great, philosophers who do the history of thought?
        D、Why are so many so deeply involved, so caught up emotionallly in athletic events?

    2、What answers did the author provide for this question?
        A、Sport are low-grade subjects
        B、it needs fine body.
        C、Sport is popular.
        D、it is common
        E、the players are inferior man.


    1、Have students read “Sportmen of the Year” by Tom Verducci , the“Introduction” by Buzz Bissinger, “The Joy of Sports” by Michael Novak, and“Concerns for Excellence” by Paul Weiss, then write a summary in 150 words around the following topic: do you think sport is a kind of religion?

    第二章 体育项目特征分析

    第三讲 Code of Sports随堂测验

    1、The following are examples of well-established sporting terms. Name the sport which use them, and then see if you can discover of the origins and meaning of the terms by reading the following passage. Go no zone Slalom Freestyle

    单元测试:closing a deal

    1、"strike" 一词是来自于_____________项目


    Assignment:Design your own sport

    1、students will design their own sport. They will write their own sport overview, rules, terms, skills and tactics as to how to play it. In this unit, all the reading materials are chosen around the assignment, help the students to carry on their task one step by one step.

    第三章 体育语言特征分析


    1、请根据回答的内容选择正确的问题 1)[Q]: A: Once you become a pro you have to adjust, as an amateur you're used to shorter rounds, such as 2-minute rounds. As a pro the rounds are three minutes and you sometimes go 12 rounds. As a pro you have to learn to adjust, pace yourself, and be patient.
        A、What supplements do you take?
        B、Then you didn't get picked on anymore?
        C、Take me through a training week for you?
        D、What make you do better now than before in your career?

    2、2)[ Q ] A: Yes, you definitely need a good strategy. You also need to pace yourself, be patient and take your time. In a 12-round fight it adds up to 36 minutes of high cardio in the ring, 48 mins total. That's such a long time to be in the boxing ring, with a high cardio output, it fatigues your body and mind. Your muscles are tensed during the entire fight. You are always thinking your nerves and adrenaline are going, and you're completely drained after a fight, you experience total exhaustion.
        A、Do you have any fear?
        B、Does strategy play more in the pro bouts?
        C、Did you start boxing when you were 12?
        D、How did you get started so young?


    1、After reading the last reading material of this unit, write your own commentary on the text, using the questions as a framework for your response: this is essentially a piece of informative writing, about a baseball game. How is the information organised in the text? Look in particular at: The content of each paragraph The sequence in which the story of the match is told--tracking the scorelines will help you to do this The part played by quotations 2. The writer of the text has the expectation that readers will understand the language of baseball. Assuming that you are unfamiliar with the game, explore the technical language of baseball, saying which terms you can guess at and which you do not understand at all. 3. What attitude to sport can be identified through looking at the language used by the two team managers, king and Webb?


    1、请阅读“baseball”这篇赛事新闻报道,分析一下这篇报道的结构是怎样的?写一份至少150个字的分析,可以按照以下的主要内容来分析: 每段的主要内容 赛事过程和结果如何?--追寻以下得分的线索来做 引用的部分

    第四章 体育项目语言特征分析

    第一讲 Language Features of the sports随堂测验

    1、Because two of the three possible contacts are not the final contact, controlling the _______ of the ball is important.

    2、In order to win the game, a team must be able to switch between offensive and defensive_______ fluidly.

    3、Players learn to recognize and appreciate the correct _______ of the volleyball techniques

    4、In achieving balanced _______, the relationships between players positioned next to each other must be considered.

    5、The_______ area makes it vital to organize the positioning of players and their movements.

    第一讲 Language Features of the sports随堂测验

    1、1) The right arm should be like a whip, as this ______ the most power.

    2、Having a lot of weight does not ______ a fast smash.

    3、So what is the best way to ________ this stroke, with the clear you have the image of aiming for the ceiling.

    4、The smash is not going to _______ a point by itself.

    5、Scoring an ace from this one stroke, we should think more of the smash as a stroke to _____ the opponent and grab the initiative for ourselves.

    第一讲 Language Features of the sports随堂测验

    1、The sentences below are chosen from the text. Complete them using the prepositions in the text without checking in the text. 1) Boxing has the potential to turn lives around by providing focus and an outlet for pent_______ aggression.

    2、The boxers’ workout is guaranteed to get anyone _______ the best shape of their lives.

    3、Bend elbows and tuck them_______ the sides to protect the vital organs.

    4、As arms are brought _______ sides, place fists at cheekbone level.

    5、Keep chin down and look up, roll shoulders _______ slightly.





    1、请使用本章第三节的阅读材料中的语料库查找一下新闻中关键词句,翻译下面的新闻。 NBA常规赛继续进行,尼克杨三分准绝杀,湖人111-109胜雷霆。全队六人上双,湖人结束两连败,还剩5秒时,尼克杨命中三分准绝杀,全场17分,克拉克森18分,拉塞尔休战;雷霆遭遇两连败,威少错失最后一击,全场34分13助攻8篮板8失误,亚当斯20分6篮板,奥拉迪波14分。


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