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    英美文学 - 中国大学mooc

    其他课程erya2021-01-15 19:09730A+A-


    1. The Early and Medieval Age

    Test for Unit 1 (The Early and Medieval Age)

    1、Which of the following is not a characteristic of Old English period literature?
        A、The literature of this period is rather primitive.
        B、The literature of this period mainly deals with the pagan tradition of Anglo-Saxons.
        C、The early stories of the Anglo-Saxon ancestors were written down by poets in their home country.
        D、Old English literature provides precious materials for modern study and research.

    2、Which of the following is called the “national epic of the Anglo-Saxons” ?
        B、The Canterbury Tales
        C、Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
        D、Morte d’Arthur

    3、Which of the following is not true about Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales?
        A、In the work, Chaucer assimilated foreign influence into English tradition.
        B、It was written in English.
        C、Chaucer employed heroic couplet in The Canterbury Tales.
        D、Chaucer depicted a variety of figures from different classes and occupations, but he described no women figures.

    4、How would you describe the writer’s attitude towards “the prioress”?

    5、Which of the statements is true about the prioress?
        A、The prioress is extremely beautiful.
        B、The prioress speaks French like a native speaker.
        C、The prioress takes pains to imitate courtly manners.
        D、The prioress is charitable and sympathetic to the poor.

    2.The English Renaissance

    Test for Unit 2 (The English Renaissance)

    1、Which play is about a daring scholar’s great thirst for knowledge?
        B、Doctor Faustus
        D、The Jew of Malta

    2、Which of the following plays is NOT Shakespeare’s historical play?
        A、Herny IV
        B、Richard II
        C、Henry V
        D、The Tempest

    3、Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the essay “Of Studies”?
        A、frequent use of parallelism and balanced structure
        B、logical, rational and objective tone
        C、clear and concise language
        D、emotional and passionate tone

    4、Francis Bacon wrote many essays to teach the scholars and the upper class how to be efficient and make their way in public life.

    5、The Faerie Queen is a great allegorical epic to celebrate Queen Elizabeth.

    3.The Early 17th Century

    Test for Unit 3 (The Early 17th Century)

    1、1. Which king was executed during the English Civil War?
        A、James I
        B、Henry VIII
        C、Charles I
        D、Charles II

    2、2. Which poem below is written by John Donne?
        B、"To Fortune"
        C、"Death, Be not Proud"

    3、3. Which work inspired Milton to compose his poem, Paradise Lost?
        A、The Old Testament
        C、The Canterbury Tales
        D、King Arthur

    4、4. Like the Iliad, the Odyssey, Paradise Lost is also a/an _____, which is a very long and detailed poem that tells a story in dramatic detail.

    5、5.What was taken away from Adam and Eve after they’ve bitten the forbidden fruit against God's will ?

    4.The Restoration and the 18th Century

    Test for Unit 4 (The Restoration and the 18th Century)

    1、Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the prose“A Modest Proposal”?
        A、The intention of the prose is to support cannibalism.
        B、One of Swift’s genuine intention is to encourage fair treatment of the rich to the poor.
        C、The speaker did a demographical and financial study of the issue, so this proposal is rational and scientific.
        D、What the speaker suggested is a modest proposal.

    2、Alexander Pope was an eminent poet enormously popular in his own day, which is during _____.
        A、Sixteenth century
        B、Seventeenth century
        C、Eighteenth century
        D、Nineteenth century

    3、Which work cemented Alexander Pope's literary fame at the age of 23 ?
        B、Windsor Forest
        C、An Essay on Man
        D、Essay on Criticism

    4、Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in the West, which instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy and politics.

    5、The Neo-classical literature imitates the style of the ancient Greek and Roman, which is passionate and imaginative.

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