Histology - 中国大学mooc


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    Histology - 中国大学mooc

    其他课程erya2021-01-31 7:33700A+A-


    Chapter 1 Introduction

    unit test

    1、What is the science of the microstructures and their related functions of the body?
        A、Cell biology
        C、Systematic anatomy

    2、What is the maximum magnification of transmission electron microscope?
        A、Dozens of times
        B、Hundreds of times
        C、Thousands of times
        D、Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands times
        E、Tens of millions of times

    unit work

    1、What is HE staining?

    Chapter 2 Cell

    unit test

    1、Which organelle is involved in the processing of the protein in the cell.
        A、Golgi complex

    2、The following organelle are involved in synthetic protein.

    unit work

    1、Describe function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

    Chapter 3 Epithelium

    unit test

    1、The urinary bladder is lined by
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    2、What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the blood vessel and lymphatic vessel
        A、Epithelioid tissue

    3、What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium
        A、Epithelioid tissue

    4、Which of the following makes up the mucosa of the gallbladder
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    5、What type of gland secretes its product through a duct or tube
        A、Endocrine gland
        B、Multicellular gland
        C、Exocrine gland
        D、All of the above
        E、None of the above

    6、The brush border is formed by
        D、Intermediate filament
        E、Both A and B

    7、The trachea is lined by
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

    8、What type of tissue lines blood vessels
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    9、What type of gland secretes its product directly into the bloodstream
        A、Endocrine gland
        B、Multicellular gland
        C、Exocrine gland
        D、All of the above
        E、None of the above

    10、What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    11、What type of tissue lines the alveoli in the lung
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Pseudostratified epithelium

    12、What type of tissue lines the parietal layer of the Bowman's capsule
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Pseudostratified epithelium

    13、What type of tissue composes the distal tubules
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    14、What type of tissue lines the esophagus
        A、Simple squamous epithelium
        B、Simple cuboidal epithelium
        C、Simple columnar epithelium
        D、Stratified squamous epithelium
        E、Transitional epithelium

    15、Which of the following forms the striated border
        E、Both A and B

    16、The hemidesmosomes are located
        A、In the lateral surface of epithelium
        B、In the basal surface of epithelium
        C、Between adjacent cardiac muscle fibers
        D、Between adjacent smooth muscle fibers
        E、Between the processes of adjacent osteocytes

    17、Transitional epithelium distributes in the mucosa of
        A、the urinary bladder
        B、the vagina
        C、the oral cavity
        D、the stomach
        E、lymphatic vessels

    18、Organs subject to large changes in volume are likely to have
        A、Stratified squamous epithelium
        B、Simple squamous epithelium
        C、Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
        D、Transitional epithelium
        E、Simple columnar epithelium

    19、The epithelial cell specialization most suitable for vastly increasing the absorptive surface of that cell is the
        C、Gap junction
        D、Tight junction

    20、Which one of the following statements about stratified squamous epithelium is true
        A、The surface cells are always keratinized.
        B、The cells in all the layers are flattened.
        C、The cells in the superficial layer are flattened.
        D、The cells in the middle layers are flattened.
        E、The cells in the basal layer are flattened.

    unit work

    1、Please describe what is plasma membraneinfolding.

    Chapter 4 Connective tissue

    unit test

    1、The connective tissue proper does not include
        A、Honeycomb tissue
        B、Adipose tissue
        C、Reticular tissue
        D、Elastic tissue

    2、Which cell is the most in loose connective tissue
        B、Plasma cell
        C、Mast cell

    3、Which cell can not synthesize collagen
        D、Some smooth muscle cells and epithelial cells

    4、Which cell is not involved in the immunity
        C、Plasma cell
        D、Mast cell

    5、Which one synthesize and secrete interleukin I
        A、T lymphocyte
        B、Mast cell
        C、B lymphocyte

    6、Which one with the large numeber of lysosomes
        A、Mesenchymal cell
        C、Mast cell
        D、Plasma cells

    7、Macrophages can secrete
        D、collagenous fibrils

    8、The basophilic cytoplasm is due to
        A、developed RER
        B、amount of glycogen
        C、a large amount of secreted granules
        D、developed SER
        E、many lysosomes

    9、Which cell can do chemotactic deformation
        A、Mast cell
        E、Plasma cell

    10、Which one can synthesize and secrete immunoglobulin
        D、Plasma cell

    11、Which one is derived from B lymphocyte
        D、Mast cell
        E、Plasma cell

    12、Which one have the basophilic and metachromatic granules
        B、Plasma cells
        C、Mast cells

    13、The cytoplasm of mast cells is filled with
        A、eosinophilic granules
        B、basophilic granules
        C、foreign substance granules
        D、argyrophilic granules
        E、chromaffin granules

    14、Which one play a central role in immediate allergic reaction
        C、Plasma cell
        E、Mast cells

    15、Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells can differentiate into
        B、Vascular endothelial cell
        C、Smooth muscle cell
        E、All of the above

    16、Which cell cannot synthesize fibers and ground substance
        B、Smooth muscle cell
        E、Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell

    17、Which one can be observed periodic repeating dark and light segments
        B、Nerve fiber
        C、Elastic fiber
        D、Collagen fibril
        E、Smooth muscle fiber

    18、Which one is belong to argyrophil fiber
        A、Collagen fiber
        B、Reticular fiber
        C、Elastic fiber
        D、Collagen fibril
        E、Nerve fiber

    19、Which one has great elasticity and little toughness
        A、Collagen fiber
        B、Elastic fiber
        C、Reticular fiber

    20、What is the core component of proteoglycan polymer
        B、Collagen fibril
        D、Hyaluronic acid

    21、Which one can destroymolecular sieves
        A、Acid phosphatase
        E、Alkaline phosphatase

    22、Which one has the function of defense and protection
        B、Collagen fibril
        C、Collagen fiber
        D、Elastic fiber
        E、Reticular fiber

    unit work

    1、Briefly describe the microstructure and function of plasma cell.

    Chapter 5 Blood

    unit test

    1、Which is wrong about blood?
        A、Blood is liquid tissue flowing through the cardiovascular system
        B、White blood cells are divided into granulocytes and agranulocyte
        C、Blood consists of plasma and blood cells
        D、Anticoagulant static blood can be divided into three layers: The upper layer is plasma, the middle layer is leukocytes and platelets, and the lower layer is erythrocytes
        E、The most common method of blood cell staining is Wright or Giemsa staining

    2、Which is wrong about erythrocytes?
        A、Mature red blood cells have lost their nuclei
        B、The cytoplasm is filled with hemoglobin
        C、The cells were biconvex disc
        D、Cell life expectancy is 120 days
        E、When the plasma osmotic pressure decreases, it can cause cell swelling or rupture

    3、Which of the following descriptions of reticulocyte is wrong?
        A、Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells
        B、Still have the function of synthesizing hemoglobin
        C、The nucleus has not been completely removed
        D、3%~6% of all red blood cells in peripheral blood of newborn
        E、There are a few ribosomes in the cytoplasm

    4、Which one is right about neutrophils?
        A、25%~30% of white blood cells
        B、Cellular nuclei are divided into 4~5 lobes
        C、Azure granules and specific granules in cytoplasm
        D、The special particles under electron microscope were lysosomes
        E、Specific granules of the cytoplasm contain histamine, heparin and leukotriene

    5、Which is wrong about eosinophils?
        A、Specific particles of the cytoplasm contain histamine
        B、Can kill parasites
        C、The cytoplasm contains coarse eosinophilic granules
        D、The nucleus is mostly 2 lobes
        E、Increased incidence of allergic and parasitic diseases

    6、Which is wrong about basophil?
        A、1%~ the total white blood cells
        B、Cytoplasmic Granules Strong Alkaline
        C、The nucleus is irregular
        D、Particles containing histamine
        E、Can devour bacteria and foreign bodies

    7、Which is right about monocytes?
        A、0.5%~3% of total white blood cells
        B、Volume similar to neutrophils
        C、The nucleus is irregular or renal, and the color is shallow
        D、The formation of megakaryocytes in connective tissue
        E、The cytoplasm is separated into many cells and platelets form after shedding

    8、Which is wrong about lymphocytes?
        A、25%~30% of white blood cells
        B、Can be divided into T cells, B cells and NK cells
        C、nuclei are circular, with shallow concave sides
        D、T cells are derived from bone marrow and participate in humoral immunity
        E、Giemsa stained cytoplasm blue

    unit work

    1、Please describe the morphology and function of red blood cells

    Chapter 6 Bone and Cartilage

    unit test

    1、The classification of cartilage is based on
        A、the number of chondrocytes
        B、the morphology of chondrocytes
        C、the content of chondroitin sulfate in matrix
        D、the type of fibers in matrix
        E、the function of cartilage

    2、Hyaline cartilage does not exist
        A、larynx and trachea
        B、rib articular surface
        C、long bones
        D、pubic connection
        E、early fetal skeleton system

    3、Cartilage capsule refers to
        A、Connective tissue of the cartilage surface
        B、Collagen fibers of the cartilage surface
        C、Basophilic matrix around chondrocytes
        D、Collagen fibers around chondrocytes
        E、Cavity of chondrocytes

    4、Compared with hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage is characterized by
        A、cartilage matrix is more
        B、matrix contains a lot of collagen fibers
        C、Inhomologous Cell Groups
        D、cartilage lacunae are not obvious
        E、no cartilage lacunae

    5、The fibers in hyaline cartilage are
        A、collagenous fibrils
        B、collagen fibers
        C、microfiber fiber
        D、Elastic Fiber
        E、mesh fibers

    6、Elastic cartilage exists
        A、Articular disc
        B、external ear
        C、pubic symphysis
        D、costal cartilage
        E、articular cartilage

    7、The structure and function of chondrocytes in hyaline cartilage do not include
        A、located in the cartilage trap Cells around the
        B、are small, single distribution Cells in the center of the
        C、are large and spread in groups underdeveloped
        D、rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex
        E、secretion of cartilage matrix

    8、The incorrect description of bone osteoprogenitor cells
        A、in the inner layer of the periosteum
        B、small, fusiform
        C、cytoplasmic eosinophilic
        D、can differentiate into osteoblasts

    9、The cells that secrete bone are
        A、mesenchymal cells
        C、bone progenitor cells

    10、Structural characteristics of osteoblasts excluded
        A、cells are short columnar or cubic
        B、cytoplasmic eosinophilic
        C、nucleus is large, nucleolus is obvious Developed
        D、Golgi complex and rough endoplasmic reticulum
        E、gap junctions between adjacent cells

    11、Which of the following characteristics of osteoclasts is wrong?
        A、is a fusion of multiple monocytes, there is only one giant nucleus
        B、cytosolic eosinophilia
        C、cell contains many lysosomes
        D、one side of the bone matrix has a ruffled margin
        E、is often located on the surface of bone tissue in a small depression formed by absorption

    12、Clear zone of osteoclasts
        A、located opposite the fold edge High
        B、electron density
        C、rich in microfilaments
        D、rich in organelles
        E、osteoclast active away from bone substrate surface

    13、The wrong description of bone cells is
        A、transformed from osteoblasts
        B、located between or within bone plates
        C、is the most cell in bone tissue
        D、cell body is located in the fossa of bone and the protuberance is located in the tubules of bone
        E、not involved in osteogenesis or osteolysis

    14、In addition to bone cells and their protuberances, bone lacunae and tubules contain
        A、capillary vessels
        B、capillary lymphatic vessels
        C、nerve fibers
        D、tissue fluid
        E、connective tissue

    15、Between adjacent bone cell processes is
        C、intermediate connection
        D、tight junction
        E、gap junction

    16、Bone lamella
        A、seen only in bone density
        B、composed of parallel arranged bone cells
        C、consists of parallel collagenous fibers
        D、composed of parallel bone salts
        E、consists of collagenous fibers arranged in parallel and tightly bound to bone salt and matrix

    17、The structure of the ring plate is characterized by
        A、surround central tube
        B、inner ring plate is thicker
        C、outer ring plate is thinner
        D、through the pipe
        E、through pipe longitudinally

    18、Osteon (Haversian system) features not included
        A、is a cylindrical structure of concentric plates
        B、its long axis perpendicular to the long bone axis
        C、its center is a central tube containing blood vessels and nerves, etc.
        D、the central canal communicates with the innermost bone tube
        E、surface has a layer of bone matrix, called bone cement line

    19、Vessels in dense bone can be seen
        A、bone unit bone plate
        B、bone notch
        D、through pipe
        E、of bone plates

    20、hyaline cartilage not present in
        A、rib cartilage
        B、articular cartilage
        C、respiratory tract cartilage
        D、the skeleton of an early embryo

    unit work

    1、Please describe microstructure and function of chondrocytes

    2、Comparison of sources, structural features and functions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts

    Chapter 7 Muscular tissue

    unit test

    1、Sarcomere is represented as
        A、I and A band
        B、1/2 A band + I band + 1/2 A band
        C、A and A band
        D、1/2 I band + A band
        E、1/2 I band + A band +1/2 I band

    2、The transverse tubule of skeletal muscle fibers is formed by
        A、Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
        B、Rough endoplasmic reticulum
        C、Golgi complexes
        D、Sarcoplasmic reticulum
        E、Invagination of sarcolemma into the sarcoplasm

    3、The sarcoplasmic reticulum in striated muscle fibers is formed by
        A、Invagination of sarcolemma
        B、Rough endoplasmic reticulum
        C、Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
        D、Golgi complexes
        E、Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex

    4、The protein that forms thick filaments is

    5、Z lines of human skeletal muscle fiber is distributed in
        A、Center of A band
        B、Center of I band
        C、Center of H band
        D、Junction of I band and A band
        E、Junction of A band and H band

    6、At the intercalated disc, lied junctions as
        A、Intermediate junction and desmosomes
        B、Junction complexes and gap junction
        C、Tight junction, desmosomes, and gap junction
        D、Intermediate junction, desmosomes, and gap junction
        E、Junction complexes, desmosomes, and gap junction

    7、The basic structural unit of skeletal muscle contraction is
        A、Sarcoplasmic reticulum
        C、Transverse tubule
        E、Rough endoplasmic reticulum

    unit work

    1、Microstructure of intercalated disc

    2、The microstructure of skeletal and cardiac muscle

    Chaper 8 Nervous tissue

    unit test

    1、The structure of Nissl body under the electron microscope include.
        A、rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex
        B、smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex
        C、rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosome
        D、smooth endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosome
        E、Golgi complex and free ribosome

    2、Where has Nissl body in the neurons.
        A、axon hilloke
        C、cell body and axon
        D、cell and dendrites
        E、axons and dendrites

    3、Which of the following descriptions is wrong?
        A、The difference in cell size of the is larger
        B、The length of neuritis is difference
        C、distinguishes dendrites and axons by observing the neurofibrils
        D、neuron cell body can be located outside the brain and spinal cord
        E、Some neurons has endocrine function

    4、Which is error about the axon.
        A、There is only one axon in each neuron
        B、Cannot synthesize protein in axon
        C、axons can be involved in material transport and spiritual impulse transmission
        D、The structure of the axon is similar to the nucleus
        E、The length of neuritis is difference

    5、The soma is the nutritional center of neuron because which substance is richness in the soma.
        D、Golgi complex
        E、rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosome

    6、Which structure plays an important role in axon transport
        A、smooth endoplasmic reticulum
        B、rough endoplasmic reticulum
        C、Golgi complex
        E、microtubles, microfilaments and neurofilaments

    7、Which is wrong about the synapse.
        A、is divided into electrical synapses and chemical synapses
        B、axon-soma synapses and axon-dendrite are more common
        C、neurons and muscle cells can form synapses
        D、gap connection is basic structural of chemical synapses
        E、neurotransmitter is an important medium for synaptic transmission

    8、Where is presynaptic membrane.
        A、Axon terminal cell membrane
        B、Cell membrane at the end of dendrite
        C、has a cell membrane on the side of the receptor
        D、the cell membrane where release neurontransmitter
        E、The membrane of the neuron

    9、What is wrong about chemical synapses.
        A、The presynapse element is usually the soma and dendrite of the neuron
        B、for synaptic vesiclessome, some are round, some are flat
        C、There are exciting synapses and inhibitory synapses
        D、The shape and transmission efficiency of synapse can be adapted to change
        E、dense substance can be seen at the cytoplasmic surface of the presynaptic membrane and postsynaptic membrane

    10、What is wrong about glial cells.
        A、The number is more than neurons
        B、has protrusions, which can be divided into dendrites and axons
        C、HE dyeing does not show the full structure
        D、can not conduct impluse
        E、Support, maintenance, protection, insulation, repair, etc.

    11、Which type glial cell has phagocytosis function.
        D、satellite cells
        E、Schwann cells

    12、Which type cells form myelin sheath in myelinated never fiber of central nervous system
        A、Protoplasmic astrocytes
        D、Fibrous astrocytes
        E、encapsulated cells

    13、The impulse is transmitted through which of the following.
        E、synaptic vesicles

    14、In most axons, the myelin sheath is interrupted at intervals of about 1 millimeter or more. These interruptions are called the.
        B、nodes of Ranvier
        D、nodes of Babinet
        E、Synaptic vesicle

    15、Which of the following are NOT part of a neuron?
        C、Nissl bodies

    16、Which cell type forms the myelin sheath around myelinated axons in the central nervous system
        A、Schwann cell
        C、Ependymal cell
        E、Satellite cell

    17、Which of the following is involved in the blood brain barrier?
        B、Ependymal cells

    unit work

    1、Please describe basic structure of neuron

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